This section is to provide information on proper positioning of equipment for conditions affecting different nerves.
The following was posted from Tech Connections Direct Newsbrief, September 29, 2000
Observing how workers perform tasks and duties often help
suggest ways that someone with functional limitations might be accommodated, and also identifies possible sources of further injury or future discomfort.
- Twisting, clothes-wringing motions of the wrist
- Working with a bent wrist
- Vibrating tools
- Poor handgrips on tools
- Repetitive hand, arm and shoulder movement
- Arms and elbows high or out-stretched
- Controls or materials beyond easy reach of the worker
- Working with a bent neck
- Working with a bent spine or leaning over excessively
- Lifting, loading or unloading from improper heights
- Excessive twisting or stretching of the back
- Excessive pushing or pulling on loads
- Excessive standing
- Working in an immobile position for too long
- Improper heights of work surfaces or chairs
"Strains and Sprains: A Workers Guide to JobDesign."
United Auto Workers, 1988.
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Page last updated by Michael Papp 18 October, 2000